February 16,2025

Sr.No Case No Title Subject Research Paper / Note Author Download Jurisconsults Names Download Comments
1 LW S.P.NO.2-L-2006 Muhammad Salman Yahya Vs. Federation of Pakistan Laws related to Family issues in Pakistan (Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939, Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961) Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
2 S.P.NO.1-I-2002 Zahida Haq Vs. Government of Pakistan Section 10 of the Financial Institution Recovery of Finances) Ordinance 2001 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
3 S.P.NO.1-I-2006 Dr. Aslam Khaki Vs. Federation of Pakistan Section 2(a), 2(d) and 5(2) of the Zina Ordinance Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor 1. Sarfraz Muhammad, Ibrahim Isa, Abdul Hafeez 2. Shah Muhammad Tafazal Ali Jalalabadi 3. Dr.M.Tufail
4 S.P.No.1.I.2002 Zahid Haq Vs the State. Financial Institutions Recovery of Finance Ordinance 2001 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
5 S.P.NO.10-I-2004 Rashid Bin Zain Vs. Federation of Pakistan Laws related to Family issues in Pakistan (Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939, Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961). Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
6 S.P.NO.12-I-1998 Muhammad Ashraf Qureshi and another Vs. Federation of Pakistan Section 2, 4, 5, 6 of Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 Dr. Muhammad Motia ur Rehman Senior Research Officer
7 S.P.NO.2/I-2006 Dr. M. Aslam Khaki Vs. Federation of Pakistan Hurmat-e-Sharab se Mutaliq tehqeeqi Muqala Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor Dr.M.Yousaf Farooqi
8 S.P.NO.2I.2003 Raja Abdul Latif & another Vs. Secretary Industries Production Provisions of Use services Rules 1992 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
9 S.P.NO.3-L-2005 Saleem Ahmad Vs. Islamic Republic of Pakistan etc. Examination of Section 2(x) of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939 and Section 8 of Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
10 S.P.NO.3-L-2005- Linked with S.P.No.2.L.2006 Saleem Ahmad Vs. Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhammad Salman Yahya Vs. Federation of Pakistan. Note related to Muslim Marriage Act 1939 and Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
11 S.P.NO.4-I-1999 Capt.(R) Mukhtar Ahmed Shaikh Vs. Government of Sindh Section 3, 4(i) of Sind Rented Premises (Amendment) Ordinance 1984 and Section 6 of Sind Rented Premises Ordinance 1979 Dr. Muhammad Tufail
12 S.P.NO.4.L.2001 Sh. Aftab Ahmad Vs. Government of Pakistan Examination of Section 18(3) of Financial Institution (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001 in juxtaposition with the provisions contained in Article 17(2)(a) read with Article 79 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat, Order 1984 Dr. Muhammad Motia ur Rehman Advisor Dr.M.Munir
13 S.P.No.47.I.1992 M.Iqbal Khan Vs. Govt. of Pakistan. Age Requirement of Civil Servent Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
14 S.P.No.54.I.1992 Mehroze and Miskeen Vs. Govt. of N.W.F.P Riwajnama Swat. Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
15 S.P.NO.6-I-2002 Bukhari Shah and another Vs. Federation of Pakistan Consideration and Examination of the provision of Section 417 of Criminal Procedure Act Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
16 S.P.NO.6-I-2006 Qasim Hussain Buki & 2 others Vs. Federation of Pakistan etc. Sections 10, 11 and 12 of the National Accountability Bureau Ordinance 1999 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
17 S.P.NO.7-I-2002- Linked with Misc.A.No.1.I.2011 Nazir Ahmad Khawaja Vs. Federation of Pakistan Section 7 of the Election Law 2002 Dr. Muhammad Motia ur Rehman Advisor
18 S.P.NO.7.L.1998 Mian Ghulam Murtaza Vs. Federation of Pakistan Declaration of institution of Hiba-bil-shart-ul-Iwaz as understood and practiced by the British Courts of India and Pakistan Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
19 S.P.No.8.I.2001 Fazal Akbar Khan Vs. Secretary of Law Section 26 of the Limitation Act 1908 and Section 15 of the Easement Act 1882 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
20 S.P.No.8.I.of.2004 Professor Kazim Hussain, etc. Vs. Government of Pakistan Office Memorandum No.F.2(3)/2003 dated 31-7-2004, issued by the Ministry of Law & Parliamentary Affairs for hiring Residential Accommodation Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
21 Sh. Petition No.4.I. of 1994.pdf Dr. M. Aslam Khaki v. Federation of Pakistan. Challenged section 7(3) of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 Syed Muhammad Mozamal Shah Kazmi
22 Sh.Petition No.2 I OF 1994 S. Liaqat Binori v. Federation Of Pakistan Challenged Finance Division 0.M.No.F.2(9)R.5/81 dated 27.6.1981 FSC Research Paper
23 Sh.Petition No.32.I. of 1994 Rahmat Khan v. Federation of Pakistan Challenged section 4 of the Muslim Family Laws-Ordiance 1961 Qazi Fazal Elahi
24 Sh.Petition.No.25.I.of.1994 I.A. Sherwani vs Government of Pakistan. The orders granting a relief of Rs.50 per month to all State employees and denying it to pensioners be declared to be repugnant to the injunctions of Islam. The orders granting an increase of 35% to all state employees and denying it to pensioners be declared to be repugnant to the injunctions of Islam. Qazi Fazal Elahi
25 Sh.Petition.No.6.12.8.I.L.W.of.1994 & 8.I.of.2004 Professor Kazim Hussain v. Government of Pakistan. Challenged Office Memorandum No.F.2(3)/2003dated 31-7-2004, issued by the Ministry o f Law& Parliamentary Affairs Fazal Elahi Qazi
26 Shariat Petition No.26.I. of 1994 M. Kowkab Iqbal v. Federation of Pakistan Challenged subsection (5 ) of section 6 of the Muslim Family Laws, Ordinance, 1961 Dr. Anwarullah
27 Sr.P.No.1.I.of.2007 Mian Abdur Razzaq Aamer Vs. Federal Government Various Sections of Pakistan Penal Code, the Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 and the Protection of Woman Act 2006 (Criminal Law Amendment Act) 2006 Dr. Muhammad Motia ur Rehman Research Advisor Dr. Muhammad Tufail
28 Sr.P.No.1.K.of.2000 Inayatullah and others Vs. Assistant Director Agriculture and others Section 18(3), 18(6) of Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance 1979 Dr. Muhammad Motia ur Rehman Advisor
29 Sr.P.No.10.I.of.2005 Abdul Rasheed Vs. Shamim Akhtar etc. Examination of Section 2(x) of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939 and Section 8 of Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
30 Sr.P.No.2.I.of.2007 Muhammad Yar Vs. Federation of Pakistan etc Section 302(B) of PPC and Section 345(2) of Cr.PC Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
31 Sr.P.No.3.I.of.2007 Ch. Muhammad Aslam Ghuman Vs. Federation of Pakistan, etc. Various Sections of Pakistan Penal Code, the Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 and the Protection of Woman Act 2006 (Criminal Law Amendment Act) 2006 Dr. Muhammad Motia ur Rehman Research Advisor Dr. Muhammad Tufail
32 Sr.P.No.30.I.of.1994 Muhammad Akram vs Government of Pakistan. Challenged the tax imposed by Excise and Taxation Department Dr. Anwarullah
33 Sr.P.No.4.I.of.2005 Dr. Muhammad Aslam Khaki Vs. Federation of Pakistan through President Section 302(B) of PPC (Qatl e Amd) and Section 345 (2) of Cr.P.C Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor Dr.M.Mushtaq
34 Sr.P.No.4.I.of.2007 Zafar etc. Vs. Federation of Pakistan etc. Section 302(B) of PPC and Section 345(2) of Cr.PC Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
35 Sr.P.No.5.L.of.2006 Linked With 1.L.2009 Malik Muhammad Rabnawaz Khan Vs. Federation of Pakistan and 4 others Section 3 of The Urban Immovable Property Tax Act 1958 Dr. Muhammad Motia ur Rehman Senior Advisor
36 Sr.P.No.6.I.of.2004 S.P.No.27.I.1992 Muhammad Fayyaz Vs. Islamic Republic of Pakistan Abdul Salam Vs. Federation of Pakistan. Section 3 of the Majority Act Fazal Elahi Qazi Research Advisor
37 Sr.P.No.7.I.of.1998 Capt.(Retd) Mukhtar Ahmed Shaikh Vs. Government of Pakistan Article 151(4) of Qanoon e Shahadat Order 1984 Fazal Elahi Qazi Senior Research Advisor
38 Sr.P.No.7.L.of.1994 Haji Hidayat Muhmmad vs Province of Punjab challenged MIL-115 Qazi Fazal Elahi
39 Sr.P.No.8.I.of.1994 Javid Iqbal Vs. Federation of Pakistan Clause II of the Office Memorandum No. F.5 (17)-Gaz. Imp (1)/73 dated 20-11-1974 and 1st portion of Office Memorandum No. F.2(i)- R.5/91 dated 25-8-1991 issued by Government of Pakistan (Finance Division) Atta ur Rahman Senior Research-C-Translation Officer